Organizers of View Conference asked us to talk a bit about their event that will be hold here in Turin… and we were like "It’s a great event… so, why not?" and so we’re here spreading the word for them.
View Conference is an annual event hold in Turin, Italy (our city) where for a few days there will be super-interesting talks about animation, 3D, graphics and this kind of cool stuff; hackatons, awards and job proposals will be at the fair, too. It’s a comprehensive event around the computer graphics world. Some friends of ours have gone there in the last years and always found it very interesting, because the talks are all made by very very skilled people. This year, virtual reality too will be a topic, and some talks about it will be made, like this one. If you’re wondering why they didn’t call us to make a VR speech, I don’t know… mail the organizers and ask them! We’re very very skilled too! :)
Such a cool event ain’t cheap, and you can find all pricing information at this page.
For more information, you can visit their website. If you’re in the computer graphics world, our advice is to give it a look! Happy CG!