We are very happy to announce you that we have been invited by local GDG community to participate as speakers to their event Sognando La Realtà! GDG means Google Developer Group: they are lots of Google communities all around the world and this one is located in our city, Turin, so it is called GDG Torino. We know them well, since they helped us in marketing our DTC event and most of them were inside Jetop when we participated at our first exhibition ever, the WTT. They are young, enthusiastic and smart people and we love them, so when they called us, we immediately answered yes!
Event has this wonderful name of “Sognando La Realtà”, that in Italian means “Dreaming the reality” and will be focused on virtual reality, especially Android-oriented virtual reality (so, Daydream and Cardboard). The picture of a girl wearing an OSVR headset is a clear signal that they’re open towards all technologies, though. There we will make one of the two workshops: as always we will give a brief introduction between the different kind of realities, then we will introduce Unity, we’ll showcase our ImmotionRoom full body VR solution and… for the first time we’ll also do a practical session! You can come and develop with us a little application for Google Cardboard that shows how to use gaze-interactions mechanism for this headset! Wow, it would be super-cool! This is a shiny preview of what you’ll do…
So, what are you waiting for? If you’re near Turin, on February 2nd come and follow our workshop at 17.00 at Holden School! It will be a pleasure for us! Get more info here or register here! We’re waiting for you!