We’re completely committed in organizing our DTC event, solving logistics and technical problems, trying to make sure that everything will just be fantabulous. We’re learning a lot from this experience and surely we’ll write lots of this learning process in the post-mortem that will come after it.
One of the things that we made for the first time was looking for sponsorships for the event. Due to unexperience and the short time available (event is on 23rd of September, but we were unable to organize it until the end of August, due to EIA and vacations), this has proved to be pretty hard. But in the end we found someone that has believed in us and so we want to thank them with all our heart. So, thank you to:
- Treatabit, that is our incubator that is helping us in organizing the event
- Microsoft YouthSpark and Fondazione Cariplo, which have provided room and food coverage through one of their programs
- TTG, the local technical community where Gianni and Beppe are organizers, which is great in making interesting tech workshops and seminars here in Turin
- FifthIngenium, the company where Matteo Valoriani, one of the Hololens speakers, belongs to
- JETOP, a no-profit organization of students of the Politechnic of Turin.
We want to underline the last name in a particular way: JETOP guys are the one that have organized the WTT event that has been our first exhibition, where we got a great success, they have been very kind during the exhibition and in all other occasions we had to deal with them. So, we’re very happy to have them supporting us in this project and we’ll surely support them for the WTT edition of this year! Be sure not to miss it, because it will surely be a very interesting event!