Hello everyone! Just a post to show you how we’re happy that there are finally other ImmotionRooms in the world and showcase you some photos of them!
First of all there is the ImmotionRoom of Massimiliano Ariani, the great game designer of NTW who is developing a little game with us.
Look this photo I took at his home: there are some underpants here and there, but this is how true gamers live virtual reality. And the Kinect is so important for him that he has assigned it its own bed!
While he plays, all the actual room around him doesn’t count anymore: he’s in the outer space fighting with spaceships! Max is a great man and a great evangelist of our technology and has also recently made an ImmotionRoom test in Tuscany! Kudos to him!
Going out of Italy borders, our great fan and VR Enthusiast Sasha Le Baron has recently installed a little ImmotionRoom in the UK! England has recently voted for the Brexit, but ImmotionRoom is unifying Europe again!
Look how beautiful it is: a gamer PC, a Kinect v2, a Gear VR… and a Kinect v1 waiting for our upcoming integration! Sasha is going to test our game and we hope he’ll like it a lot! He’s a very supportive person, so deserves the best VR experience possible!
And we’d like you to share your ImmotionRoom photos, too! If you have an ImmotionRoom installation, share its photos with us! We’re very curious to see your setups and we’ll share the best ones!
If you want to see some photos of our setups, you can download them from our presskit. I’ll just leave you with a smiling Gianni to brighten up your day! Cheers!