Hi everyone! As promised, today I’ll start a new serie that tells you what we’ve learned while developing and submitting our demo "The time of Conundrum". I’ll split it in various different articles, to be focused on a single, well-explained topic in every part. These are the main topics I’ll cover:
- How to create a reduced-nausea first person player controller in VR
- How to grab screenshots with Gear VR
- How to create an APK ready for Oculus submission
- How to read current FPS while playing with your Gear VR Unity demo
- Tips & Tricks to stay near 60FPS on Gear VR
- Hints on how to create games with natural VR interface
- Hints on how to develop cross-platform, cross-input games
Are you ready? Do you like my topics? Next episode will be published today! Stay tuned!